Monday, November 19, 2012

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Can I eat some more Diabetes?
 Figure 1. The Animal is delicious when invisible
Nutrition is a fact
check it
sleep it off

Coffee Slam

1 thousand milli-
grams of caffeine
now you can wake
up up UP UP
lets just burn
this two ended, too
short candle

Dear caffeine
you and coffee make
such a great team
I trade the wake now
for years on the back end
of life
What a glorious
exploded heart you
have, yes?

Brain Scan

Every single
I find the wandering
mind the
between the re-
grets and what is here
is what is left
feel stretched quite
T  H  I  N

I want for
the numb-
that I felt when
I was free to be selfish

Am I such a child
that I wish not
to be a man?

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Conscious Man

No more leaves
you leave
every day a car accident
a heartless man takes
or maybe
some kind of meteor
deal is broken
rake the body
of your lover
Gone is the way in which one lives to be be when hope is at stake. This is how I came to know the age of getting wise. First I needed mind expansion which requires the Tuss. Often I would take myself to a dark savage happiness in which my mistakes became oranges. It was during these days I began to see that I was perfectly selfish and conversely magical. This however only applied to my tone of voice or possibly my hair. Those who knew me, Little C, Super D and Dr Light mostly, well, they were swimming in red pools just as much as I. All of us on National Ave looking, well actually searching with eagle ears and bat eyes. The FANTASTIC SONIC TONE
ravaged us to the core duo
Dr Light slapped
my face
"Your creeping us all out"
asleep like the dead
eyes open
eyes open
I opened up to the possibility of reason without logic as Little C and I became Super D and Super D became  Evil J. Evil J made us all cry battery acid and swallow. Not this time though, no. During the Nation days well he was some kind of super hero accident. We stole his driving car and spaced all the way to the Appleton. Oh how the normals watched in horror as we made crooked all through the buying center.
                                                                               see this trinket?
                                                                               it is made of atoms and reason
                                                                               but neither are witnessed
                                                                                     held for life purpose
                                                                               we too were dogs of the bone
                                                                               savage we scavenge for I's and We's
Instead we found a way home. The drive closed my eyes but not my mind. It was certain I would need a reboot after being half of Super D. I ate the backseat and gave birth to a shirt. How glorious that a man could be impregnated with reason: Dostoevsky knew.

More is More is More is Enough is Not

Alliteration of the Kook

 anxious anxiety enacts nervous decisions
sifting slowly finding my favorite faults
proves purposeful and yet imprecise
conclusions collide and logic leaves looming
the macabre of madness mends
and chaos carries peace persistent with pantomime
in this aesthetic asylum the crazies consolidate
consideration of ideology
the broken do the fixing in this mind

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Evening

they paw and caw at me
daddy, daddy
crying clashing they run
one wins, one loses
Epic, Tragic
Ronin is scolded
but olive jumps, jumps
such terrible beasts or
continents smashing into one
another, time eaten
slowly, growing
father see? it pleases
us, me, you we are
yours, genes and all

the mad sea of the future
so unwilling to give the information
the concealed weapon of chance
each of
playing at perfection