Monday, October 29, 2012

People Math

hero                 Nero   
none                done
too                   tool
tree                  feel
whore              sore
knife                hive
sticks               kicks
heaven             seven 7
gate                 irate
mine                time
friend              mend
zero                 tarot

mine - time = zero

knife + sticks = heaven + whore

whore - feel = done

too + tool = sore

mine - irate = hero + none

knive + hive = friend

              +           =

              -            =  



Sunday, October 21, 2012


This person
wearing is tire-
my wiring
needs re-
I cru-
myself to re-
-vive myself
let           go
lets go


The goal is to end where you start

the point of contention
indeed, an age
in which dogs
are people
dig holes
instead we find
rats, yes rats bathing
shall we instead
be birds?
is lead
two people
in which days dogged
an ageless one
yes, two
the point is contented

Dr Light (more)

Dr Light had an epic beard. It was the kind of beard that would be worn like a champion. It was bushy, burly made for a lumberjack. It was the kind of beard that would be a children's story. It was uneven like some kind of hair mountain. His face the Andes, or the Himalayan. No it was a Rocky Mountain man beard. 
A close second to his beardly pride was his man-stache. It was a saucy handle bar. He would with great care wax each side into a perfectly round curly. Each side would be left pointing right back at his man face. Neither side too short or long and always waxed.  The Dr was proud of his facial fur. It was the only area I knew him to take care as far as hygiene was concerned.
Dr Light had certain issues when it came to cleanliness. He was a bachelor through and through thus he could not be bothered with doing dishes or cleaning anything ever at all. In certain respects I share this character flaw. I too have been known to be “dirty”. I was encouraged to alter this aspect of myself and felt compelled to do so. The Doctor on the other hand could not be bothered with such nonsense. There is a part of me that will always envy his unwillingness to be molded.
This strong willed nature of the Doctor made him a genius and a foolish hero.

When I first met the Doctor he was living with Beastron aka Chainsaw. Maybe that is right, but it is likely I am wrong. Memory gets the best of me at times and I must keep on track or I will stay lost. The sly path of memory is full of wanted lies and half truths. We mix thing and with more time it becomes difficult, then impossible to un-mix.
The Doctor was known to pound his fist in drunken fury against Beastron’s flimsy rooming house wall. He would scream “Why do I love?” often over and again throughout the night. He did this much to the great dislike of Beastron. He and Dr Light had known each other before I came into this hole. They lived with Super D in what was dubbed the Hotel D and B. Super had sold acid and this is how I first encountered Super D. More on that later.
When I first spoke with Dr Light I was struck by how much we had the same humor and demeanor. He like me was limited in his capacity to understand emotion and to be more direct feminine emotion. I opened up to the notion of science and music. We spoke in a Tuss filled jumble. Tuss destroys boundaries and ages you back to childhood. I had taken in 8oz.
The rooming house the Doctor and the Beast stayed in was a particularly fantastic shithole. There were parties in and out and up and down and on the porch and on the balcony and across the street and back and into the future and back in time and always with partners in crime.
So we spoke about things I knew I knew, or I just wished someone had proved to me that I wanted to know. He had given life to the idea of intelligence more than any school I had attended. We spoke for several hours that night. Our conversation, and nearly every single one to follow for ten years, always came back to the subject of truth and context. The Doctor would always say: There is your truth, my truth and THE truth. So it is here I must begin to tell you how it all came to unravel for a time. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Off again


Permanent snow

 there in the midst of shiver
enjoying the creeping deadened
blue molecules decay
 white calm purifies
piercing but smiling

I should have said sorry

iced with frustration
what is
is what is possible but not probable
if maybe
instead of frost eating my skin
instead I just ride my mind
instead of
instead of
ride my mind

I should have said sorry

Women and the Doctor

A Beginning...

Dr. Light always had difficulty with women. This is of course a massive understatement. Women were essentially lost to him. They were a grand mystery or rather an equation. The word equation implies a solution and this is how Dr. Light would look at such a problem. When you have an equation, you look at the numbers and with analytic reasoning and process you break things down and eventually all you have is the answer or the solution as it were, but people are not numbers and they love to disobey process. This is how women remained outside of the good doctors reach.

This is not to say that women are an open book for myself or for you the reader, even if you are a woman. It would be cliche to mention Freud I will. He died not knowing, so there you have it. Dr. Light wanted to believe that if he showed affection and did the right thing, this meant treating women with respect and being a gentlemen, then he would have his affection returned. You can see the mathematical way in which this would have played out in his mind. It would have been possible to achieve this lofty goal if he did not , somehow intentionally, choose women who were utterly damaged.

Dr. Light loved women who had been treated poorly in life. It was his goal to fix them. People do not usually like to be fixed and not person wants to accept that they need fixing. This made things very difficult for the doctor. You see he himself was very much a victim of life's true nature, that of stone and iron. So a damaged man was going through life trying to fix damaged women. One can see how this will lead only to angry tears.

Have I mentioned that the doctor is not, in fact, a doctor. Well he is in his own mind. Dr. Light was the smartest man I had ever met. His was filled with a great love of physics and quantum mechanics. The fact that from the most massive heavenly bodies all the way down to the tiniest particle there was order appealed greatly to the doctor. It was proof that things were meant to work as they do and he could win the day if he could just get his process to work.

In the past I had tried without success to get him go to school. He said he was a student of the internet. This may sound foolish until you consider the massive amount of free knowledge just waiting to be had. So he would spend his days, he was perceptually unemployed, watching physics lectures. I would often come over after work and he would be attached to his computer finishing one of his video lecture just waiting to expound on the glories of the universe. It was as though he believed he could find the answer to every day life, and women, if he just looked hard enough.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


write a poem about a specific
subject you research
write a specific subject
about a poem you research
write a subject poem
about a research you specific
write a research specific about
a poem you subject
write a specific
poem about a research you subject
write a poem you
about a research specific
write a you subject
about a research poem
write a you
research about a subject
you poem
write a write research
you poem subject

plastic animals
action figures
superhero dreams
drawing table
air typing

the detail dog is roaming

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I dog ear every poetry
book I own, these pages
I like to distort
poetry not mine
permanently branding
these books
them, that I may
get drunk in the
crooked corners
sorted by subjectivity
now they are maps
now I
may be read along
now I may be read along with
the verse

Monday, October 1, 2012

Basement - Oz Cup

      When you work on a call center for a cable company you are often inundated with useless crap. Shiny bobbles and posters and little puzzles with famous people on them. All of it essentially garbage. I have however kept a few memento's. One of them is a tin cup with a logo for the former HBO show Oz. It is approximately four inches tall and has a diameter of about three inches. I use it to store all of my useless pens and highlighters, as well as my charcoal and regular pencils.
       I separated from Serena and later on met Erin while working in this call center. It is interesting how much change can be linked to one location. My life changed for the better in getting the job, for the worse when Serena left me and then when I met Erin, well what can I say. We are still married. This was all over the course of three years. Which feels like both a short and long time.
      When I first met Erin she was outside smoking as I walked into the call center. She was chatting it up with one of my local female ambivalent aquintances. As I came upon them I mentioned that I liked her scarf, Erin that is, and she thanked me as I beeped myself into the security door. Later on after we had started seeing each other Erin told me her friend had told her not to talk to me. Had she known Erin at all she would have known this would have the opposite effect.
      Now looking at this simple tin cup I am flooded with so much memory about Erin and my courtship. Now it is a bit dusty but still very functional. I wipe off the dust and it looks new. It should be brought upstairs and used it again.

Basement - Drivers License

     On my basement shelf as I am rummaging through my art supplies I come across an old id and two drivers licenses. At first I am not sure why I have these. Then I am reminded that at one point I had the intention to catalog my aging. What an odd thing to do.
     The most striking of the three is the first drivers license. This is not due to the image of a clearly handsome man but do to the date of issue. I did not get my drivers license until I was twenty two. While in high school I liked to drink, a lot. This was among several of my other extra curricular activities. Being young and enjoying the drink often leads to law telling you that you are not allowed to enjoy the drink. I got several under age drinking fines. The total was somewhere around $1200.
      It interesting how you cannot truly notice the passage of time until after it has passed. Had I understood how much these fines would affect my later life I might have been more cautious in my drinking. And yet I can also be quite certain I would still have not given a shit. It was hard for me to care about anything but my own immediate gratification then.
     When Serena first had Ronin we moved into a nice duplex and tried the whole family thing. It was such a nice place. Shortly after I got a knew job and things began to look up as they often do. Soon after the calls began. Money was owed fro my transgressions. Willfully I had chosen to ignore these calls from collectors, so they did what they do. My wages were garnished. Things became very hard for us for a long time. Eventually we were broken just before the debt was paid. I can now say that this was when I knew I had a divorce in my future. Hindsight is a cruel thing. Money is worse.

Basement - Brick Shelf

      In my basement there is a shelf against the north wall. It is constructed of cinder blocks and wood planks. This shelf been in my last four residences. It has moved with me every time I have moved and was at one point much larger. I store my art supplies on this shelf and even a good amount of books before it was paired down. There are various paints, usually primary colors, charcoal pencils, paint brushes, pastels both oil and chalk, paper, pens, pencils and one unintentional artist book. (I will get to that later) Lately when I go down to the basement I don't even think about this shelf. I should.
      This shelf is filled with reminders, and almost all of them lead back to my divorce with painting. Maybe it's just a trial separation but we have not been talking lately. So I have been avoiding this shelf for some time. It's as though we are awkward friends who have had a falling out, but we still run into each other every once in a while. You have to try and think of something to say but it never feels right so you find yourself avoiding that place. Then you feel guilty about avoiding. Today I am not.
     Basements love covering your memories with dust and dirt. The wood of my favorite brushes is warm when I hold them, even though it is always cold down here. When I finger the charcoal pencils I am reminded of my favorite medium. Black, white and all the wonderful shades of grey. Always so beautiful to me. I am struck by the number of highlighters I have. I laugh at the fact the most do not even work due to use and I have not thrown them away. It must be because I once turned a college notebook into an artist book with the highlighter as my main tool and several blue/black office pens as my secondary tools. Working in a call center in my mid twenties lead to more than one of these little books. I only kept one. Sometimes I will flip through it but it usually makes me feel old.
      The last time I paid any real attention to my art supplies was almost a year ago. I was commissioned by a friend to paint a picture for auction at the opening of a play at The Alchemist Theater. It got one bid that turned out to be fake. It was apparently submitted by a man who later had a nervous breakdown and was removed from the theater. I never picked up the painting from the theater and they actually have several of my pieces. One hangs in the main lobby/bar. It is of my ex. It used to hang in my apartment until I realized how much I love Erin and it needed to go. It has been some time since I have been to the Alchemist so it may not be displayed anymore. If you see it you will know it by the woman floating out to sea on a red couch. Just like my ex she is always out of reach. I knew then when I painted it.