A Beginning...
Dr. Light always had difficulty with women. This is of course a massive understatement. Women were essentially lost to him. They were a grand mystery or rather an equation. The word equation implies a solution and this is how Dr. Light would look at such a problem. When you have an equation, you look at the numbers and with analytic reasoning and process you break things down and eventually all you have is the answer or the solution as it were, but people are not numbers and they love to disobey process. This is how women remained outside of the good doctors reach.
This is not to say that women are an open book for myself or for you the reader, even if you are a woman. It would be cliche to mention Freud here...so I will. He died not knowing, so there you have it. Dr. Light wanted to believe that if he showed affection and did the right thing, this meant treating women with respect and being a gentlemen, then he would have his affection returned. You can see the mathematical way in which this would have played out in his mind. It would have been possible to achieve this lofty goal if he did not , somehow intentionally, choose women who were utterly damaged.
Dr. Light loved women who had been treated poorly in life. It was his goal to fix them. People do not usually like to be fixed and not person wants to accept that they need fixing. This made things very difficult for the doctor. You see he himself was very much a victim of life's true nature, that of stone and iron. So a damaged man was going through life trying to fix damaged women. One can see how this will lead only to angry tears.
Have I mentioned that the doctor is not, in fact, a doctor. Well he is in his own mind. Dr. Light was the smartest man I had ever met. His was filled with a great love of physics and quantum mechanics. The fact that from the most massive heavenly bodies all the way down to the tiniest particle there was order appealed greatly to the doctor. It was proof that things were meant to work as they do and he could win the day if he could just get his process to work.
In the past I had tried without success to get him go to school. He said he was a student of the internet. This may sound foolish until you consider the massive amount of free knowledge just waiting to be had. So he would spend his days, he was perceptually unemployed, watching physics lectures. I would often come over after work and he would be attached to his computer finishing one of his video lecture just waiting to expound on the glories of the universe. It was as though he believed he could find the answer to every day life, and women, if he just looked hard enough.
He was legitimately insane. Everyone knew that. Everyone said that. That is the explanation. But his love was extraordinary and pure. Just too much, too much. Too much for him or anyone to accept, male or female. Like a fire hose. It wasn't meant to be focused exclusively, just aimed skyward to make it rain and lubricate the all the hearts. He did fix the most broken, pitiful woman he ever loved though. The worst of them all. The most consuming fire.