Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dr Light (more)

Dr Light had an epic beard. It was the kind of beard that would be worn like a champion. It was bushy, burly made for a lumberjack. It was the kind of beard that would be a children's story. It was uneven like some kind of hair mountain. His face the Andes, or the Himalayan. No it was a Rocky Mountain man beard. 
A close second to his beardly pride was his man-stache. It was a saucy handle bar. He would with great care wax each side into a perfectly round curly. Each side would be left pointing right back at his man face. Neither side too short or long and always waxed.  The Dr was proud of his facial fur. It was the only area I knew him to take care as far as hygiene was concerned.
Dr Light had certain issues when it came to cleanliness. He was a bachelor through and through thus he could not be bothered with doing dishes or cleaning anything ever at all. In certain respects I share this character flaw. I too have been known to be “dirty”. I was encouraged to alter this aspect of myself and felt compelled to do so. The Doctor on the other hand could not be bothered with such nonsense. There is a part of me that will always envy his unwillingness to be molded.
This strong willed nature of the Doctor made him a genius and a foolish hero.

When I first met the Doctor he was living with Beastron aka Chainsaw. Maybe that is right, but it is likely I am wrong. Memory gets the best of me at times and I must keep on track or I will stay lost. The sly path of memory is full of wanted lies and half truths. We mix thing and with more time it becomes difficult, then impossible to un-mix.
The Doctor was known to pound his fist in drunken fury against Beastron’s flimsy rooming house wall. He would scream “Why do I love?” often over and again throughout the night. He did this much to the great dislike of Beastron. He and Dr Light had known each other before I came into this hole. They lived with Super D in what was dubbed the Hotel D and B. Super had sold acid and this is how I first encountered Super D. More on that later.
When I first spoke with Dr Light I was struck by how much we had the same humor and demeanor. He like me was limited in his capacity to understand emotion and to be more direct feminine emotion. I opened up to the notion of science and music. We spoke in a Tuss filled jumble. Tuss destroys boundaries and ages you back to childhood. I had taken in 8oz.
The rooming house the Doctor and the Beast stayed in was a particularly fantastic shithole. There were parties in and out and up and down and on the porch and on the balcony and across the street and back and into the future and back in time and always with partners in crime.
So we spoke about things I knew I knew, or I just wished someone had proved to me that I wanted to know. He had given life to the idea of intelligence more than any school I had attended. We spoke for several hours that night. Our conversation, and nearly every single one to follow for ten years, always came back to the subject of truth and context. The Doctor would always say: There is your truth, my truth and THE truth. So it is here I must begin to tell you how it all came to unravel for a time. 

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