When you work on a call center for a cable company you are often inundated with useless crap. Shiny bobbles and posters and little puzzles with famous people on them. All of it essentially garbage. I have however kept a few memento's. One of them is a tin cup with a logo for the former HBO show Oz. It is approximately four inches tall and has a diameter of about three inches. I use it to store all of my useless pens and highlighters, as well as my charcoal and regular pencils.
I separated from Serena and later on met Erin while working in this call center. It is interesting how much change can be linked to one location. My life changed for the better in getting the job, for the worse when Serena left me and then when I met Erin, well what can I say. We are still married. This was all over the course of three years. Which feels like both a short and long time.
When I first met Erin she was outside smoking as I walked into the call center. She was chatting it up with one of my local female ambivalent aquintances. As I came upon them I mentioned that I liked her scarf, Erin that is, and she thanked me as I beeped myself into the security door. Later on after we had started seeing each other Erin told me her friend had told her not to talk to me. Had she known Erin at all she would have known this would have the opposite effect.
Now looking at this simple tin cup I am flooded with so much memory about Erin and my courtship. Now it is a bit dusty but still very functional. I wipe off the dust and it looks new. It should be brought upstairs and used it again.
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