Monday, December 3, 2012

eight billion years v1

eight billion years is a difficult
measure of time to wrap ones thoughts
around. it has been pointed out in the science
and astronomy community that this is how long
it will take for the sun to burn itself out. In a grand
blaze of galactic fury indescribable in intensity and
magnitude, all that is our corner or infinity will be at
once dust which will become other dust and other stars
will be born. in the final hours this god of our past will
decimate all that was once holy. growing to one hundred
times its original size it will eat we who knew for certain
what time meant. and yet will man be long since burned out?
will we beat the sun to its final destruction?

will we beat the sun with nuclear fury? the numbers of nu-
clear weapons on the earth is immeasurable. there are enough
to explode any earth in a cartoonish manner, several times
over. is this a born out of a sense of necessity that no matter
how much people rebel against the great people, we can nuke
them. we can remove the need for life to exist in any manner in
many new and interesting ways. this many times over. many times
over. should we watch them all burn? these men who just simply
refuse to respect how the rules go. is this the security tax that must
be paid with blood and confusion? there is a purpose to the machine
we are told. the complex is complex and military in drive.

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