Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Red Giant (Quartet of sonnets)

eight billion years
a difficult measure of time
to hold.  it is known within
the astronomy community, this is how long
it will take for the sun to kill itself.
certainty comes within this instant
it will be fantastic and magnetic. the grand inferno
of galactic fury indescribable in intensity and
magnitude, all that is our corner of infinity is at once dust
becoming space and other stars will be born. in the final
hours this deity of our past will decimate all that was once
holy. pulsating, growing in wrath it will
incinerate those who knew what time meant. a red fusion
of helium and hydrogen seen across the universe

a red fusion filled with hydrogen minerals is
the face of every single day, comforted by
the sun. when the sun greets us with an out
ward stretched flair will there be man to scream?
I watch how this will all unfold with comfort in
the years being numbered. do you know their
are only 8 billion left? how many people rebel against
the notion of time ending? I watch across the screen
this red and yellow wave length, it is warm, filled with
the kind of comfort only matched by a hand
slowly wrapping around your throat. there is just
enough time left for us to look at each other

for each of us to look at each other
confused about how we sacrificed children and cows
and nailed each tree to each others, we built stone every
things to erect ourselves, we put it all on a Grecian
urn and threw paint and words at a notion, we racked our
selves. we who held out our hands and remembered to be
forgiven for wanting. the masters painted us art
and we see great torture. Bukowski knew
it was all shit. so much lifted out of our mind and left too
long in the sun. great men live and die to be generous
gods. and the TV reminds me, we
only have eight billion
chances to get a diamond day.
what is the nature of god’s need?

what is the nature of mans need?
eight billion years is
a difficult measure of time
to hold.  it is known within
a red fusion filled with hydrogen that a mineral
is the face of every single day, comforted by
the sun. when the sun greets us with words
for each of us confused about how
we sacrificed children and cows
and nailed each tree to each others, built stone with
every moment and it only took
eight billion faces to call years to this very
instant and remind you. the sun is always ready
the sun is always ready. the sun is always waiting

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