Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Brick Shelf

      In my basement there is a shelf against the north wall. It is constructed of cinder blocks and wood planks. This shelf has been in my last four residences. It has moved with me every time I have moved, and was at one point much larger. I store my art supplies on this shelf and even a good amount of books, before it was paired down. There are various paints, usually primary colors, charcoal pencils, paint brushes, pastels, both oil and chalk, paper, pens, pencils and one unintentional artist book. (I will get to that later) Lately when I go down to the basement I don't even think about this shelf. I should.
This shelf is filled with reminders, and almost all of them lead back to my divorce with painting. Maybe it's just a trial separation, but we have not been talking lately. So I have been avoiding this shelf for some time. It's as though we are awkward friends who have had a falling out, but we still run into each other every once in a while. You have to try and think of something to say, but it never feels right, so you find yourself avoiding that place. Then you feel guilty about avoiding. Today I do not feel this way.
     Basements love covering your memories with dust and dirt. The wood of my favorite brushes is warm when I hold them, even though it is always cold down here. When I finger the charcoal pencils I am reminded of my favorite medium: Black, white and all the wonderful shades of grey, always so beautiful to me. 

Painting stairs
These stairs are dangerous. They lead into the basement of our home, and I never quite get used to how dangerous they really are. Our house is so old. On the real estate listing it just said 120 + years for the age of the house. Somehow, this made it more appealing to me. Whoever had bought the house before us had tried, with mild success, to remodel. I gather they had wanted to flip the house, but had to give in and sell it for a loss. I say this because the basement looks like they had started but never finished reworking it. Walls are unfinished and the stairs are one heavy foot fall short of collapse.
      When we first moved in, my father in law had put in a railing so the stairs were slightly less dangerous. We still do not let Olive or Ronin go down there, well, never Olive anyway. The basement is what we keep hidden in the basement. We rarely bring anyone down there. If someone ends up in our little pit of despair then they are usually drunk or in the process. This is ironic as no person, let alone one intoxicated, should traverse those rickety bones. And somehow they are my bones.
      Whenever I go into the basement I am going into my psyche. Flashes of my life events become basement lights. They are turned on so I can change the laundry. The floor is unfinished; covered with dust and dirt.
It floods every time it rains and we keep our distance till the memory subsides. Here it is always cold.

I feel some shame for keeping my paintings all wrapped up in this dungeon. They are bound together and set aside. Huddled like the masses, waiting to be wanted. There was a time I felt an intense love for them. Now they are the prisoner of my basement. Erin only loves some of them. The paintings know it, so they understand why they are in the basement. It is not fair to Erin that I speak this way.
Ego was hung up on every wall of every one of my previous homes. I was sure my work was breaking the mold, changing the game and unflinching in mastery. How could I have not known how foolish I was? I still love these painting. From time to time I will go to the dungeon and feed them with attention. My little hunchback babies, chained to this dank remembrance. Hidden away.
Erin doesn't actually dislike my work. I think I am the one who really does. Maybe I just wanted more people to think they were wonderful. Some people did, but they were usually high. Erin keeps me grounded. I still have a painting hung up in my dining room. It is not my favorite.

Drivers License

On my basement shelf as I am rummaging through my art supplies, I come across an old id and two drivers licenses. At first I am not sure why I have these. Then I am reminded that at one point I had the intention to catalog my aging. What an odd thing to do.
     The most striking of the three is the first drivers license. This is not due to the image of a clearly handsome man, but do to the date of issue. I did not get my drivers license until I was twenty two. While in high school I liked to drink, a lot. This was among several of my other extracurricular activities. Being young and enjoying the drink often leads to the law telling you that you are not allowed to enjoy the drink. I got several underage drinking fines. The total was somewhere around $1200.
      It is interesting, how you cannot truly notice the passage of time until after it has passed. Had I understood how much these fines would affect my later life, I might have been more cautious in my drinking. And yet I can also be quite certain I still would have not given a shit. It was hard for me to care about anything but my own immediate gratification then. 
When Serena first had Ronin we moved into a nice duplex and tried the whole family thing. It was such a nice place. I got a new job, and things began to look up as they often do. Soon after, the calls began. Money was owed from my transgressions. Willfully I had chosen to ignore these calls from collectors, so they did what they do. My wages were garnished. I remember Serena showing up to my work crying about how much money was being taken from us. We wanted to hate everyone but we knew it was my fault.
Things became very hard for us for a long time. Eventually we were broken just before the debt was paid. I can now say that this was when I knew I had a divorce in my future. Is this why I kept these drivers licenses, to be reminded? I still have them. Hindsight is a cruel thing. Money is worse.

Oz Cup

When you work in a call center for a cable company you are often inundated with useless trinkets. They hand you shiny bobbles and posters, and little puzzles with famous people on them. All of it is essentially garbage. I have however kept a few mementos. One of them is a tin cup with a logo for the former HBO show Oz. It is approximately four inches tall and has a diameter of about three inches. I use it to store all of my useless pens and highlighters, as well as my charcoal and regular pencils.
       I separated from Serena and later on met Erin while working in this call center. It is interesting how much change can be linked to one location. My life changed for the better in getting the job, for the worse when Serena left me and then when I met Erin, well what can I say? We are still married. This was all over the course of three years which feels like both a short, and long time.
      When I first met Erin she was outside smoking as I walked into the call center. She was chatting it up with one of my local female ambivalent acquaintances. As I came upon them I mentioned to her that I liked her scarf, Erin that is, and she thanked me as I beeped myself into the security door.


I am struck by the number of highlighters I have. I laugh at the fact that most do not even work, due to use, and I have not thrown them away. It must be because I once turned a college notebook into an artist book, with the highlighter as my main tool, and several blue/black office pens as my secondary tools. Working in a call center in my mid twenties lead to more than one of these little books. I only kept one. Sometimes I will flip through it, but it usually makes me feel old.
      The last time I paid any real attention to my art supplies was almost a year ago. I was commissioned by a friend to paint a picture for auction at the opening of a play at The Alchemist Theater. It had gotten one bid that turned out to be false. It was apparently submitted by a man who later had a nervous breakdown and was removed from the theater.
I never picked up the painting from the theater and they actually have several of my pieces. One hangs in the main lobby/bar. It is of my ex. It used to hang in my apartment until I realized how much I loved Erin, and it needed to go. It has been some time since I have been to the Alchemist, so it may not be displayed anymore. If you see it you will know it by the woman floating out to sea on a red couch. Just like my ex she is always out of reach. I knew then, when I painted it.
                                  Oz Cup (more) 

Later on after we had started seeing each other, Erin told me her friend had told her not to talk to me. Had she known Erin at all, she would have known this would have the opposite effect.
      Now looking at this simple tin cup I am inundated with so much memory about Erin and our courtship. We had both come out tumultuous relationships, and were not ready for the love we both felt so immediately. Even up to the point after we had moved in together, we refused to admit we were a couple. Then I asked her to marry me, this was almost a year and a half before I actually proposed to her.
Now I look at this tin cup and it is a bit dusty, but still very functional. I wipe off the dust and it looks new. It shines. I should bring it upstairs and use it again.

Tuss King

A molecule will dance
Upon me, turning my
Eyes sideways-inside

I loved you, friend
I cried a single tear
When I knew you

It was I who taught
You about humanity
And failed 

Savage ( third, very extensive revision )

savage is a good word
                 a beastly word

it does what it wants to
some words are lazy
like procrastinate or 
but savage…
now that’s a word with      teeth
lions and sharks are savage
a wild eyed              mountain man
is savage
reality – savage
             savage is a machinist 
bending steel
             savage is the sun's core
in a grand fusion

savage is      savage
it's a good word
it moves with purpose
savage hunts down    other    words
consuming them
while some British personality narrates


I love the sound of shuffling paper…
a search fruitless and loved
who wants to go first
sounds that you found
play with the form.
curious about the process…
strong, experimental, needs work…
The rhyme is deadly.
Fucking punctuation Nazis!
I might not be reading it close enough
in defense of the dashes
Tom and Jerry escapade
you have some real joys in it
random spurts of information
interesting and terrifying
it needs work – arrogant
see, no capitals
The ending needs work
I love the ending
I wanted more…
don’t change a thing
I think there is a missed opportunity here…
I would always keep in mind that…

Blueberries ( Third, ever so slight, Revision )


Breezing around
 a slight chill being won over to sun

Olive and I share blueberries

she loves
they burst
she smiles
the constancy of children’s happiness

they say blueberries grow brain cells in the pre-frontal cortex
gifting the ability
to learn

and memory

the power of the blueberry

Am I teaching Olive to remember?

Will this shared happiness support her in the savage days of puberty?
The malaise of adulthood?

Will she crave blueberry pancakes?

the season forces my hand
the blueberries scatter across the earth
returning me to her eyes

her perfect ringlets made translucent by sun
the futility of holding on
to anything

she runs off into the yard
the wind stealing her laughter

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Late Spring


Uneven sun


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Concerning The Body

First comes the fantastic electrical system

followed by...
Ladies and gentlemen...

The Bones.

The eye bone is
connected to the Pollock
the insane alcoholic bone
is connected to the Isaac Brock
the 3rd Planet
is connected to the Dostoyevsky
bone, the concious man
bone is connected to the
Ghandi bone, the
alteration of the thought process of mankind
is connected to the Michaelangelo bone
the smooth porceline bum
the you bone
is connected to the laughing bone
is connected to the joy bone
is connected to the yearning bone
is connected to the some kind of action hero bone
is connected
to the me bone
the every

And now...
The Empty Gestures

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Green Wall

The tree family
Occupying my yard
Calling themselves a wall
To the west
Demand attention
They drink the soil sun
Attack the garage
Reach for the power
Lines, they will cut
Off the links to media
to tear me from them
Them from us

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Concerning The Ghost

There is a ghost memory with many arms and eyes singing reason to the wrinkles in my hypothalamus are growing heads of lettuce go until they be a massive massacre of bolts on savory finger steaks of blood phantoms and book ends unto themselves the million minds dig us a nice grave of pyramid schemes? Scanning the filters of ugly Hawaiian shirts made of TV movies and gameshow hosts of virus ballroom dancing along the ocean brain. What a fine skeleton we all sleep with. What a fine summer nightmare.

Concerning The Mind

There is certainly a master
of joy robotics in a clan-
destined major metropicalis
of facilitated quantum egregious
matter smashers

However, one might not live forever enough to slip the noose around the heliocentric magnetism.

Thus, an electron has
enough friends to sleep in
The Void: The Expanding
Synapse: The Magnet is silent

The crime is the amorous knives of the iris singing the death of a mute voice.

Monday, April 15, 2013


The word plays in the mouth
It dances with the tongue
Slipping around the vocal chords
Racing back up the spine
Up and out
Up and out
Racing back up the spine
Slipping around the vocal chords
It dances with the tongue
The word plays in the mouth

Fatherhood + 1

Erin convinced me
To let Ronin run
With the boys, the wolf pack
And have fun: FREEDOM
One more night

Just let him
He needs it
it was the second
night of a sleepover
and I said NO, you must
study, study and be better than

But Erin finds my tenderness
He never gets to see
his friends

I submit

If only I could
throw off this cantankerous
personality and just
a boy

Erin does me a great justice
my callous hand

She is my better
my reason
my conclusion

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Men of Reason

One must remember
That with every steel chamber
Every broken mind filled
With rage and mist

There is another
man of parts who

Is living every day with purpose
Trying, wanting to
There is a mother
A son, a something slightly
All the possible good is happening now

The sensation of arguments
Can you hear them?
Every piercing story
Rides alongside one of joy

Do you hear them?


matter scatters
matter sca tter s
matt er scatt er s
mat ter sc at te rs
ma tter sc at ter s
mat ter s c at t ers
m a t t er scat te rs
m a t t e r s c a t t e r s
m  a  t  t  e  r  s  c  a  t  t  e  r  s
m   a   t   t   e   r   s   c   a   t   t   e   r   s
m   a   t   t   e   r   s   c   a   t   t   e   r   s

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ami or Dust

Every once
in a moment
inside a thousand
Matt ( an ally )
will link up, with text
and a subtle, "hey"
"You still breath yet"
"I do"
"I miss you buddy"
"Ya, times are full"
"Yes they are"

It feels years removed
and still near as the voice
in my head.

Is he the hand of war
made sun?
Is he the choice of years
over moments?
What is a an ally, a partner
in crime, a voice of
hope and nonsense?
What is a stone soul
Can a man know?
Can he be what
Is needed most?

I could call or should.

We have a madness
of technological wonders.
Yet we only speak
when I can hug him
and shake his hand.